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Residents Asked to Review Temporary Sign Regulations

By contributor,

Due to the proliferation of home/residential signage displayed in town within the last six months, the Town of Hopkinton is requesting the help of its residents regarding the display of temporary signs. The temporary sign regulations are contained in Zoning Bylaw § 210-179, and the enforcement of temporary sign regulations falls under the purview of the Building Department. The Zoning Bylaw recognizes the right to display signage, but also delineates the number of signs and the period of time that such signs may be displayed. With respect to temporary signs, the following are the guidelines for residential use:

Temporary Sign Regulations
● No more than two temporary signs may be displayed on a lot, neither of which shall exceed 8 square feet in area. A temporary sign shall not be displayed for more than 30 days.

● For 30 days before and up to two days after a municipal, state, or federal election, there is no maximum number of temporary signs permitted.

● All temporary signage must be on the homeowner’s property and not in the public right of way, nor on Town owned property. It is important to note that flags and insignias of governmental jurisdictions are exempt from the bylaw.

The Building Department recognizes the rights of our citizens to voice their opinions and offer their heartfelt feelings through the use of signs on their front lawns, but at the same time we are also receiving numerous complaints that the signage has had a negative effect upon Hopkinton’s image as a bucolic community.

We thank you in advance for your help with the use of temporary signs while also recognizing everyone’s right to be heard.