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Video Segment: Fire Station Open House

By Tom Nappi, News Director

The Hopkinton Fire Station recently invited the public down for an open house. Children and Adults were allowed to check out the equipment and take a look inside the fire trucks. Children got to test out some of the equipment such as the fire hose and stokes basket. I caught up with the organizer of the event Bill Krauss of the Hopkinton Fire Department.

"Want to get to know the public, we want the public to get to know us. We coordinate this week with fire prevention week to raise awareness of fire safety such as smoke detectors, exit plans, stop drop and roll for the kids." "For activities we have fire truck rides, rope rescue demonstration, games with water and a band playing to create a warm atmosphere for their kids and families."

Fran Clark gave us a look at a stokes basket which is used for high and low confined space rescue. "There's 6 members of the Hopkinton Fire Department that are part of the search and rescue team." Clark mentioned that it does not take a whole lot of effort to pick someone up with the basket and many of the children at the open house enjoyed taking a ride in the basket.

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