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Senior Projects at HCAM

By Stephanie Kane, News Producer

While most high school seniors spend their last month of school in class, studying for AP tests and finals, seniors Matt Cook and Mike Palmer were busy working at HCAM to complete their senior projects. Senior projects give those in their final semester a chance to explore and gain practical experience in an area that they are interested in that otherwise might not be covered in a classroom setting. Matt produced a slideshow of highlights from the class of 2012, while Mike created a video that exlpored the experiences of international students at Hopkinton High.

Matt first came to HCAM as a volunteer, helping to edit shows such as Wake Up and Smell the Poetry. And before starting his Senior Project, Mike recently completed HCAM's production training workshop. Both say that their confidence in their video production skills, particularly in editing, have increased from working on their senior projects. And each would encourage those in the community to take advantage of HCAM.

Watch the HCAM News video below to hear all that they have to say.

Both Matt and Mike will be heading off to college in the fall. Matt will study film at UNC Wilmington, and Mike will be a communications major at Dean College. Both credit their experiences at HCAM for helping them find their passion.

After finishing up their senior projects at HCAM, both Matt and Mike presented their work at a showcase at the High School, where they got a chance to reflect upon what they had accomplished, and Matt's video was also shown during senior recognition night.

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